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A Way Forward is Becoming Clearer for the Richmond Hill Squash Club Reopening

We trust you are finding some time to enjoy the beginning of Ontario’s warmer summer weather.

Making the Best of Our Great Outdoors
Gentle warm breezes are here. Perhaps a weekend family picnic, a brisk walk in the park, participating in some allowable much needed outdoor sports. Finally, the weather is our friend!

Indeed, some of our attention is surely turning away from the sport we like most –


While this is a little bit true, please know the Board of Directors continue to be focused on bringing us all back to our much missed on-court experiences as soon as possible.

Is there a Plan
The province has issued a 3-Step COVID-19 Reopening Plan. At the heart of the strategy are Key Health Indicators (KHI) that will drive our progress to move through the steps as briskly as possible and to get us back to ‘life as normal’ as soon as possible.

Step-1 is scheduled to begin around June 14th. Based on KHI status in the province right now (i.e. looking at the metrics), this date could very well be advanced and ‘possibly’, the start dates for subsequent Step-2 and Step-3 could also be moved up (no guarantees at this point, but things are looking very favorable today, June 2nd).

When can Squash Resume
Indoor sports including squash will likely resume as part of Step-3. So, later in the summer. As the month of June and early into July play out, we will have a much more definitive understanding of what our Return to Play (RTP) will look like. We expect to hear from the Province, Local Public Health and Squash Ontario in order to confirm Step-2 and Step-3 allowable indoor activities, possible restrictions & guidelines, vaccination parameters and most importantly, a more definitive Step-3 start date.

Until then, we are very optimistic squash will return in the summer, the sooner the better, obviously.

For all the details on Ontario’s 3-Step Reopening Plan, go to:

Does the RH Squash Club’s Have a Return to Play Plan
We share everyone’s disappointment in the disruption to our squash activities over the past several months.

We are committed to getting you back on court as soon as possible. We will distribute the RTP Plan for our club as soon as we have definitive guidance from health officials and Squash Ontario. While getting you back to playing the game we all love is a top priority, we are equally determined to doing it in the safest way feasible.

Summer in Canada is Short, Enjoy Every Moment
In the meantime, we wish you a happy, healthy summer. We continue to encourage you to get vaccinated if you can when it’s your turn (first & second doses) and stay active in safe ways.

Kind regards to our good friends.
Staying active, staying positive is the call of the day,
Communications, RHSC