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RH 2020 Volunteer & Milestone Awards – ‘We’re a Recipient’

Good afternoon Richmond Hill.

This past week, we attended Richmond Hill’s 56th Annual Volunteer & Milestone Awards. As you would expect, the event was conducted ‘virtually’, but the celebratory energy and excitement was nonetheless, electricThis event is very important in Richmond Hill. Our club was honored with a Milestone Award in recognition of 50 years of service in Richmond Hill.

(Image Above) – RHSC President, Mustafa Salemwalla, Accepts 50th Anniversary Milestone Award

At the squash club, we all need to take a bow knowing we have been serving the community for more than 50 years with valuable fitness and fun, fun, fun. We thank our late Founder, Douglas Allen for starting something special back in 1970. Today, we thank our members for their continuing support in helping to sustain a unique community-based organization with glowing amounts of community-spirited fellowship.

‘When it’s time to celebrate together, count on it, we will!’
The full video of the virtual ceremony will be shared soon and when safe to do so, will again be featured at our regrettably postponed…..

50th Anniversary Gala Event
You will see how our squash club was recognized online by City officials and how other local organizations & very special individuals were honoured for their important contributions to the Richmond Hill community.

To all our members and the community, we continue to encourage you to stay positive during our present-day challenges. Be active in safe ways; we hope to see you very soon.

RH Squash Club
Mustafa Salemwalla, President
Jim Quance, Communications Director